Episode 52

Settling, Solar Eclipse and Sacred Self

Published on: 9th April, 2024

In this episode, I share my reflections and experiences leading up to a significant eclipse and my upcoming birthday!

Sharing a realization that I've been settling in various aspects of my life and that reaching a certain point doesn't mean settling for mediocrity. There's importance to reclaiming power and direction in life and I've been focusing on deep inner work during this past winter season.

So join me as I share thoughts on playing small and that now is the time to step up and play a bigger game in your life.

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About the Podcast

Embodied Millions
with Danielle Marggraf
Embodied Millions is an unfiltered, behind the scenes look and conscious conversation into the emotional and energetic path to earning money. What I call embodied wealth.

We'll talk about how your nervous system is the root/route to your riches, how it affects, attracts or can repel your wealth. How personalizing your habits will help you create quantum success while enjoying your life rather than enduring it until you get there.
The energy and frequency of money, emotions and how they can actually derail you from being a money magnet and of course all things manifesting and monetizing using your sacred gifts to experience true prosperity through your purpose driven life.

Embodying wealth is about connecting to our state of consciousness and being able to access, activate and integrate your internal wisdom and intuition moment by moment through your body to create deep connection within yourself AND others to embody your millions your way. I hold the conviction that the BODY is the Keeper of Truth, the Holder of your Wisdom and your subconscious. The Body is the Gateway. YOU are the Guide. Transformation is the journey.

Imagine by tapping into your body you can run your business from a state of alignment, fun, freedom while you watch your bank account grow into overflow! This is the Divine feminine way to move in your business, in your body, and in the world.

On occasion we will invite guests who are on their journey to a million and who have already hit their 7 figure goal and beyond.
A new episode drops every Tuesday and until then lets drop into our desires and tune into what we require to create wealth somatically.

About your host

Profile picture for Danielle Marggraf

Danielle Marggraf

Danielle Marggraf is a leader in the feminine wealth movement. Followed by women worldwide for her inspiring and no-nonsense teaching style, Danielle mixes her spiritual bad-assery with money coach trainings for women.
Her programs of all levels transform women in their business and personal lives. She is an activator for women to be wealth generators and growing lucrative, soul-enriching businesses.
As a result, graduates of Danielle’s wealth consciousness programs quickly begin to massively uplevel their income, let go of past money blocks, and experience deep, soul-level breakthroughs in claiming their worth.